
Join Writers' Village University with a full membership.

  • Get full access to over 300 courses, including our popular MFA Courses.
  • Join one of our many Writing Groups
  • Have full access to all WVU's writing tools and reference material--all in on place.
  • New courses begin every week, including 2-week MFA courses for busy schedules.
  • Writers' Village University MFA and Creative Writing Certificates.

Please be aware that all memberships are processed manually…it is not an automated process.  Allow more time for evenings and weekends. Once your account is activated, you'll receive log-in information for the member area and a welcome letter from your WVU Site Guide to help you get started.



For first time members: One year Writers' Village University membership. $99
($30 registration fee is included in price)

A PayPal account isn't necessary for credit card payments.


One Year WVU Membership

One Year WVU Memberships are $99 for the first year, then $69 to renew.


30-Day Trial Membership (Monthly Billing)

$30 for the first month, then $10 per month.


Secure Shopping

You can shop at Writers' Village University with confidence. We have partnered with Authorize.Net, a leading payment gateway since 1996, to accept credit cards and electronic check payments safely and securely for our customers. The Authorize.Net Payment Gateway manages the complex routing of sensitive customer information through the electronic check and credit card processing networks. See an online payments diagram to see how it works. The company adheres to strict industry standards for payment processing, including:

For additional information regarding the privacy of your sensitive cardholder data, please read the Authorize.Net Privacy PolicyWriters' Village University is registered with the Authorize.Net Verified Merchant Seal program. Please allow up to 24 hours for memberships to activate. Privacy Policy: Our policy is simple, we do not sell, share or give your personal information to anyone. 

Refund Policy: Membership fees are non-refundable.